Wednesday, May 9, 2012

"The Best Ever Vegetarian"

“The Best Ever Vegetarian,” is an older cookbook I found that offers an abundant amount of easy and tasty vegetarian recipes. The book is divided up into soups and appetizers, snacks and light meals, main meals, side dishes and desserts. The cookbook offers many salad-type recipes in all sections, except in desserts. The recipe for citrus meringue crush and chocolate honey ice cream sound delicious! For each recipe there is a big photograph of the dish on the opposite page and smaller photos of how to prepare the dish. I like that each recipe is written out in fairly short steps no matter how many ingredients, how long prep or cook time may be. Also, the nutritional information, “cook tips” and variations are included in every recipe. The introduction to the book is brief and not philosophical in any way, they're not trying to convince readers that eating meat is bad, but rather blatantly state vegetables are essential to good health, vegetables are available and delicious too. Something the cookbook offers that I do not see too often are the basic recipes someone cooking a vegetarian meal might need to make from scratch. A few of these basic recipes include rich unsweetened pastry dough, pizza doughs, mayonnaise and vegetable stock, although, non of these are vegan. This cookbook should be a staple in any vegetarian kitchen. 

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